California Resilience Challenge
Calling all Californians to Prepare for Our Future
Calling all Californians to Prepare for Our Future.
The California Resilience Challenge is a statewide effort, led by businesses and a diverse range of partners, to build local climate resilience and support a shared vision for a resilient California in the face of increasing climate threats. The Challenge is seeking submissions for and will select up to 10 diverse and replicable climate change resilience projects by the end of 2019―actionable projects that are ready for permitting and implementation. The projects will reflect California’s diverse geography to showcase leadership in climate change adaptation.
Climate change is pushing California’s already volatile climate to greater extremes in terms of flooding, drought, heat, and wildfire.
Up to 40 percent of California’s landmass now has an elevated or extreme level of fire danger.
The recent drought was the most severe in 1,200 years. State officials estimate the Sierra snow pack, the source for over one-third of California’s water, will shrink up to 65 percent by 2100.
Sea levels are projected to rise between 7-23 inches by 2050, and more extreme storms will cause inland flooding.
2017 was the third hottest year on record and saw the hottest summer in state history, threatening vulnerable populations.
Fall 2019
Release request for proposals (RFP) inviting local communities across California to apply for funding for a project that addresses a unique climate threat: drought, fire, flood, or extreme heat.
Winter 2020
Announce project awards. Winning projects will be chosen for their feasibility, replicability, geography, effectiveness, community support, and other factors.
Beyond >>
Monitor and publicize major developments (i.e. permitting, groundbreaking, ribbon cutting) for supported projects.
If you represent a public entity and are interested in submitting a proposal for the California Resilience Challenge, or if you are interested in keeping up with the project for other reasons, you can sign up here, and we’ll stay in touch:
More Information & Updates
If you are interested in contributing to the California Resilience Challenge Fund, please email resilience(at)
Flood footage provided by Kevin Lowe